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Day 23: With Anne


Brady slept in late on Day 23, then he spent some time cleaning up from yesterday’s party, took a nice long bath with his rubber ducky (which made him happier, of course), and has Mac & Cheese for lunch. Then wanted to hang out with Anne, so I invited her over. They chatted for awhile, and then decided to go to the park to play chess.


They had a nice relaxing evening playing chess in the park. Then Brady needed to use the restroom…


And he pretty much stole the whole restroom…

Brady’s Net Household Worth reached 26,000 today and he fulfilled his wish of being worth 25,000.

3 Responses

  1. Nice work, Brady! Umm… I meant the mooching not the baby-making… šŸ˜‰

  2. HAHA! One bathroom down, one to go!

  3. Oh, Brady, these bathrooms! Who steals toilets?


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